Tobias Hauß Apps

FlexLog - Work Time Tracker 1.0.1
Tobias Hauß
FlexLog offers you the perfect ability to track your workinghourseasy and fast. Login / Logout via the login slider or recordyourworking hours with breaks included. Get an overview ofyourearnings, overtime, target time, working hours, holidays orleavedays. Share your working hours via email as CSV or use theshareoption of your iOS device. FlexLog is the perfect toolforfreelancers, self employed workers or employees. All your dataarestored locally on your device! Features - Track your workinghoursvia login / logout slider - Overview / calculation of yourdailylogin / logout time - Easy and fast login via SiriShortcutssupport (Login / Logout / Logout Time) - Automaticcalculation ofbreaks, working hours, overtime, target time andearnings -Overview of your leave days, holidays, overtime, workinghours(daily, weekly, monthly or yearly) - Export your work time asCSVvia email, share your work time in Excel, Numbers, ...(daily,weekly, monthly or yearly) - Never forget to login / logout-FlexLog learns from your behaviour and reminds you to login/logout every single day (Notifications) - Show working hoursindecimals - Option to calculate earnings variable (0 - 100 %)-Management of several projects - Add notes to each work timeentry- Add additional earnings to each work time entry - Manageworkingtime account - Protect your data via Face ID / Touch ID -Login /Logout & overview via the today widget - Create backups/restore backups - Overview of annual leave days / yearly income-Notifications for login / logout / breaks - Use Themestopersonalize FlexLog (including dark mode) For feedback orfeaturerequests please use the feedback section in the app or sendanemail to [email protected]. If you like the app, pleaserateit in the Play Store to support future development.
Dispensatio - Budget Manager
Tobias Hauß
Your budget in your pocket! Keep an overview of your financesandcontrol your income & spendings at a glance! WithDispensatioyou keep the overview. Enter your income and spendingsquickly andeasily and view your account balance at any time.Dispensatioimpresses with its simplicity and gives you a greatoverview! Usethe statistics to keep track of your monthly incomeand spendingsand discover opportunities for savings. Manage yourfinances indifferent accounts and categories. Create recurringentries in theform of standing orders and be reminded of upcomingtransactions.Don't miss any notice periods anymore, get reminded ofexpiringcontracts by Dispensatio and terminate in time! FunctionalOverview- Budget overview of monthly income & spendings -Managetransactions on different accounts - Statistical analysis ofyourfinances - Fixed costs overview - Evaluations by category -Previewof upcoming transactions - Manage your standing orders -Letyourself be reminded of expiring contracts and terminate themintime - High security through Face ID / Touch ID - Your dataremainsstored locally on your device only - Export yourtransactions inCSV format - Export your accounts in CSV format - Noregistrationnecessary Data protection: Your data will be storedlocally on yourdevice. There is NO synchronization with externalservers orsimilar. No registration is necessary. Your data belongsto you andstays with you! Additionally, you have the possibility touse FaceID / Touch ID when opening the app. Support: In thefeedbacksection of the app you have the possibility to send usyourquestions or suggestions for improvement. I'm trying to improvetheapp continuously and take the requests very seriously. Sodon'thesitate if something seems unclear or you find an error.Downloadand try it for free: You can test Dispensatio for one monthfree ofcharge in its full scope and have a close look and tryeverything.After one month you can purchase the PRO version ofDispensatiowith a one-time purchase and continue to enjoy thediversity ofDispensatio. If you like the app, please rate it in thePlay Storeand support the development of Dispensatio!